Command | Description |
# drbl-useradd [-s|--single] username group
Create an account, for examples, to new an user "drbl" with group "penguin"
drbl-useradd -s drbl penguin
# drbl-useradd [-r|--range] prefix start end groupname [password_opt]
Create (<end> - <start> + 1) users, username start with <prefix><start> to <prefix><end>, group name is "groupname".
password_opt details see this。
Created accounts are in file "username_pw.txt".
For example, to create accounts: cpc001 to cpc040 with group name "g3c5", and it's password is randomly generated with length 7. Run like this:
drbl-useradd -r cpc 1 40 g3c5 7
PS. In this command, we only create accounts with maximun digits length "3", i.e. 001 to 999.
# drbl-useradd [-f|--file] filename
Read the account setting from file "filename"; This is an extention of the above option "--range".
For example, if you want to create accounts s89101 ~ s89129 and tckps01 ~ tckps99, you can have a file "account.txt" first, which says:
# account for student
s 89101 89129 g3c6 7
# account for teacher
tckps 01 99 teacher neverforget
Then run"drbl-useradd -f account.txt",
Created accounts are in file "username_pw.txt".
# drbl-useradd [-l|--list] filename
Another option to massively create accounts from file "filename". but in this file, it describes the accounts line by line.
The syntax for every line is
id groupname password_opt
password_opt details see this.
For example, to have 5 new accounts, say they are "blake, steven, julian, kos, kevin", the group is "goodman" or "wiseman", and their passwords are assigned separately.
Then have a file "accountlist.txt" first, and its content:
# account for group "goodman"
blake goodman ilovepinwife
steven goodman ilovesteven
julian goodman ilovemac
kevin goodman 6
# account for group "wiseman"
kos wiseman 9
Then run "drbl-useradd -l accountlist.txt",
Created accounts are in file "username_pw.txt".