Diskless Remote Boot in Linux

DRBL management
Switch client's graphical login mode


Switch client's graphical login mode

"drbl-login-switch" is used to switch client's graphical login mode

Usage: drbl-login-switch [-n|--normal] [-a|--auto] [-t|--timed TIMED_LOGIN_TIME] [-p|--password_opt PASSWORDD_OPT]
-n, --normal: normal login, i.e. username and password are required to be enterer.
-a, --auto: auto login
-t, --timed: timed login (within TIMED_LOGIN_TIME secs normal login, if timeout, auto login)
-p, --password_opt: set the auto login and timed login password option.
For "PASSWORD_OPT", see here
All the auto login and timed login account name in DRBL clients are their own hostname. For example, if one of the client machine name is "pc101", then its auto login account name is "pc101". The username and password of created accounts are in "auto_login_id_passwd.txt", and you'd better to backup that.
For example, if you want to let DRBL client to auto login when it boots next time, with the randomly generated password (length 6 characters), run:

# drbl-login-switch -a -p 6