I put a script file like "myscript.sh" in /usr/share/drbl/prerun/drbl, /usr/share/drbl/postrun/drbl, and I check the option "-o0/--run-prerun-dir", or "-o1/--run-postrun-dir", but mscript.sh is not run. Why ? |
This is the file name issue, and it normally happens in Deiban or Ubuntu, and won't be in RedHat-like distributions. The main reason is, in DRBL/Clonezilla, the programs in /usr/share/drbl/prerun/drbl, /usr/share/drbl/postrun/drbl are run by the program "run-parts". The file name for run-parts in Debian only accepts that the names must consist entirely of upper and lower case letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens. Therefore your file name has an illegal character ".", therefore run-parts won't run it.
BTW, you can test it by:
run-parts --test /usr/share/drbl/postrun/drbl
For more info, check this: