How can I run vmplayer in the DRBL client machine ? |
Here we take vmware-player 1.0.0-19317 as an example, and this method only works in the CPU arch matches each other in the server and client:
0. Make sure client's kernel is same with server, i.e.
For server, "uname -r"
For client, "cat /tftpboot/nbi_img/kernel_version_in_initrd.txt"
These two must match each other.
The CPU arch must be the same, too.
For server, "uname -m"
For client, "cat /tftpboot/nbi_img/client_kernel_arch.txt"
These two must match each other.
If not, you have to run "drblsrv -i" again, and let kernel of
client is same with that of server, or reinstall the kernel in the server to make it same with that in client.
1. wget
Or get the in
2. sudo rpm -Uvh VMware-player-1.0.1-19317.i386.rpm
3. sudo
4. sudo dcs, then choose "others" -> re_deploy
run "drblpush -i" again.
5. Just in case, remove the file /etc/vmware/not_configured in every client by:
sudo drbl-rm-host /etc/vmware/not_configured
6. sudo drbl-client-service vmware on
7. If client is already on, you can run
sudo drbl-doit "/etc/init.d/vmware start"
reboot the client
8. login client, run vmplayer
The principle is:
(a) The client must have the modules "vmmon" and "vmnet" that vmware need, and they exist in the client's kernel modules. For example, in CentOS 4.2, they exist in /tftpboot/node_root/lib/modules/2.6.9-22.0.1.EL/misc.
(b) The file "/tftpboot/nodes/$IP/etc/vmware/not_configured" should not exist if well configured (by