I am sure that the GNU/Linux I have is compatible with the GNU/Linux distribution which DRBL supports, how can I install drbl on that ? |
Yes, the only difference is in step <2b> when you install DRBL. You can use drblsrv-offline to make it. For example, Scientific Linux 5.0 is compatible with Fedora or CentOS, you can make it by:
a. Follow the installation doc in the website, in step <2a>, install DRBL rpm package drbl-current.rpm
b. cp /usr/share/drbl/setup/yum-repos/drbl.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
c. It is recommended to turn on GPG key checking, i.e. set
in /etc/yum.repos.d/sl.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d/sl-security.repo
d. Run "drblsrv-offline -r" to see which required packagesshould be installed in DRBL server.
e. yum install dhcp tftp-server nfs-utils ypserv ypbind yp-tools mkinitrd ntp firstboot iptables wget dialog initscripts rsync parted tcpdump bc grub dos2unix curl lftp openssh-server openssh-clients coreutils gzip bzip2 nc file ethtool net-tools syslinux
yum install mkpxeinitrd-net clonezilla drbl-partimage drbl-ntfsprogs drbl-chntpw drbl-lzop udpcast drbl-etherboot freedos
yum install lvm2 ntfs-3g
f. drblsrv-offline -s `uname -r`
This command means you will let client use the same running kernel in the DRBL server. If you want to assign some kernel rpm to let client use, you have to download the kernel rpm first, for example, kernel-2.6.18-8.1.4.el5.i686.rpm, then run:
drblsrv-offline -k kernel-2.6.18-8.1.4.el5.i686.rpm
The kernel you specify for client to use must comply with the CPU arch of client. If you are not sure, try to use i586 kernel is a good idea. However, you will lost the optimization.
For more options about drblsrv-offline, you can run "drblsrv-offline -h" to show that.
g. drblpush -i
You might see some warning messages, but normally it's fine to live with that.